Sunday 2 October 2016

Information technology Part III

Categories of Computers

1) Super computer
  •   Faster type of computer
  •   Very expensive
  •    Employed for specialized application that require large                                                                 amounts of mathematical calculations

Image result for definition of supercomputer

Image result for supercomputer usage

2)Mainframe computers

  • the second large computer after supercomputer
  • design for batch processing and record keeping
  • stores tremendous amounts of data ,instructions and information

Image result for mainframe

3)Personal Computer


A personal computer that can perform all of its input, processing, output and storage activities by itself

Image result for definition personal computer
Image result for latest personal computer

4) Mobile computer and mobile devices

mobile computer is personal computer you can carry from place to place 
example :notebook,laptop ,tablet

mobile devices is computing devices small enough to hold in your hand and portable to move
example: smartphone ,digital camera ,computer 

Image result for mobile computer and mobile devices
Image result for mobile computer and mobile devices

5)Embedded computer
An embedded system is a computer system with a dedicated function within a larger mechanical or electrical system, often with real-time computing constraints. It is embedded as part of a complete device often including hardware and mechanical parts

Image result for definition embedded computer

Friday 30 September 2016

Application Of IT in Various Fields

Application of Information Technology 

in various fields

  • Education
  • Finance/Business
  • Health care
  • Science
  • Government
  • Manufaturing
  • Travel
  • Publishing


  • IT is used to assist teaching and learning process.
  • Instant access to Educational Information.

In today’s society, computers are an integral tool in education. Beginning in grade school, students are taught to use a computer. Almost all students have a computer in their home, and all students have access to computers either in computer labs or public libraries. However, students are not the only ones who use computers in education; working professionals incorporate computers in their continuing education as well.

 One way in which computers are used to help educate professionals is by offering on-line courses to keep them abreast of advancements in their industry. For example, public accountants (CPA’s) are required by the American Institute of Public Accountants (AICPA) and public accounting firms to enroll in courses to continue their education.

Example of IT applications in educations:

i. Learning Management System (LMS)

  • Learning portal
  • E-tutor

Image result for learning management system 

  Image result for learning management system

Image result for learning portal
Learning portal
Image result for e tutor


ii. Computer-based Training (CBT)
  • Courseware
  • Electronic book
  • Virtual field trips
Image result for courseware

Image result for electronic book

iii. Edutainment
  • Games and simulations
  • Flight simulation 
 Image result for games simulations    
Games simulations

 Image result for flight simulations
                                                                        Flight simulations


  • IT is used in trading, marketing, advertising and managing finances.

The discovery of computers has transformed the financial industry and how business deals are transacted. It is possible for accountants to keep large amounts of data, conduct intricate calculations and manage financial transactions from a computer. Computer technology enables global economies capabilities impossible decades ago. Computers influence both business and personal financial management.

Example of IT application in Business/Finance

i. Electronic Payment System

(Users can pay their bills via the internet )

Ex : - Paypal
Image result for paypal

What is paypal.? Click here to see the video know further what does mean for paypal. 

ii. Automatic Teller Machine (ATM)

Image result for atm

iii. Loan Processing System
Image result for loan processing system
iv. Online Banking
Users can manage account from the Internet
Ex : -,

                                Image result for online banking

3) Government

-IT is used to facilitate the operation of government and the disbursement of government information and services.

Like businesses, state and federal government offices use computers. Government employees must set up meetings and distribute various reports. Computers help these workers expedite these tasks, as most government-issued computers contain numerous software programs like word processing, spreadsheets and database management programs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Computer uses in government offices also include various e-mail functions, payment distribution, record keeping and even coordinating mailings.

Example of IT application in Government

  1. e-filling – online system for declaring tax.

                          Image result for e filing

  1. HRMIS – online system for updating government employee information.

                           Image result for hrmis

  1. e-syariah – provide information about Syariah Court.

Image result for esyariah

4) Health care

- IT has the potential to improve the quality, safety and efficiency of health care.

As technology has advanced medicine, computers have become a bigger and bigger part of the health care field. Whether it's databases used to keep patient files, or computers being used to help doctor's interface with more advanced scanning equipment, the importance of computer technology is steadily increasing.

Research and Development mark significant presence of computers in the daily life. The high-end machines used for diagnosis and cure of many diseases are nothing but computers. For example, the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), CT scan, ultrasound devices, etc are amongst the most ubiquitous uses of computers in hospitals. Even many surgical procedures, known as laparoscopic surgeries, need the help of computers. Web conferencing helps doctors treat people remotely.

Example of IT Application used in health care

i. Hospital Information System

  • Maintain and retrieve vital patient information
  • Manage general records, budgets, inventories, reports and personal scheduling.

                    Image result for hospital information system

ii. Telemedicine

  • Health care professionals in separate locations conduct live conference on computer

                 Image result for telemedicine

iii. Counter Registration System
  • Patients registration system

    Image result for Counter Registration System for health care

  • iv. Medline
    • Website that provides products, clinical solutions, consultations and management services. Chat room for patients to discuss about their health condition

                      Image result for medline

    • Remote surgery

                   Image result for remote surgery

Computer systems are used to diagnose and treat patients

'Tests' are medical procedures where specified components of the human body are scanned. A test can be as simple as a regular blood test or it can be a complex CT scan. This process is often referred to as a medical imagery. In order to increase the precision of such procedures, computers have been adopted and integrated into the testing equipment. The Ultrasound and the MRI are the best examples where computers have been adopted, in order to make the process faster and precise. Thus medical tests and tools have become more advanced as a result of the use of computers.

Examples :

viii. Computerized Tomography (CT Scan)

ix.    Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
x.     Ultrasound
xi.    Stress Testing

Image result for mri


-All branch of science use IT to assist them with collecting, analyzing, and modeling data.

In the last decades, computers have become a normal part of life. They are used to send e-mail, write a school report or look up recipes. They are used to keep track of the balance in your bank account. They are used to deliver money to you at an ATM, crunch the latest baseball statistics and deliver phone calls to the right residence. They might even be used to help drive your car!

As much as computers have become a part of our daily lives, they have also become an integral part of modern science. They are essential in helping scientists to understand the world around us. Computers have changed the face of science so that scientists are no longer constrained to doing just experiment-based or theoretical research.

Now scientists can enter results and data into a computer and the computer, utilizing mathematics and abiding by the physical laws, can recreate a virtual physical world right on the computer screen.Supercomputers have especially revolutionized the scientific process and are used in everything from meteorology to molecular biology to astronomy to environmental science.

Example of IT Applications used in science :

i. Virtual Reality

  • Use of computer to simulate a real or imagined environment that appears as 3D space
      Image result for VIRTUAL REALITY

ii. Hawk-Eye Officiating System
visually track the trajectory of the ball and display a record of its statistically most likely path as a moving image.

 Image result for hawk eye officiating system

iii. Cochlear implant

  • allows a deaf person to distinguish sounds

                           Image result for cochlear implant

iv. Electrodes implant

  • an electronic device implanted into the brain or other electrically excitable tissue. Example: improving illness associated with Parkinson's disease

                               Image result for electrode implant
v. Neural network
  • system attempts to imitate the behavior of the human brain

Image result for neural network brain

6) Publishing

-The publication of information in mostly electronic intangible formats.

-It takes the format of works to be published online, on a compact disk, e-mailed or

provided in a file format compatible with handheld electronic readers.

Publishers use computer technology in both traditional and self-publishing ventures. Desktop publishing combines the use of a personal computer and page layout software to create publication-ready documents. Electronic book readers have emerged as a means of purchasing and obtaining access to book publications, either produced by the author or a publishing house. In the world of self-publishing, consisting of not only e-books, but also blogs and user-created content websites, computer software and hardware systems are essential.

Example of IT Applications in publishing :

  1. Desktop publishing  

  • Produce quality printed materials such as reports, advertisement, magazine etc using special software.

    Examples of Desktop Program software :

  • Adobe PageMaker
  • Microsoft Publisher
  • Corel Ventura

                         Image result for microsoft publisher
                                                      Microsoft Publisher

ii. Digital newspaper (online newspaper)

                                 Image result for digital newspaper

iii. Digital magazine (online magazine)

Use if IT that allows people to read magazine online

                        Image result for digital magazine

iv. Online photo printing

                       Image result for online photo printing

v. Online card printing

Image result for online card printing

7) Travel

-Travel has become much more easier,  enjoyable and comfortable with the use of technology.

To maintain all the data related to logistics of travel.They use it to guide you find the best option for in terms of economy and other related issues like where you can stay at what budget,your tour options and many others as they maintain a database related to tours and travels only.

Example of IT Applications in travel

i.Car Navigation System by Global Positioning System (GPS)

  • Combinations of technology of locating, mapping and route guidance for transports

                         Image result for gps

  1. Airport traffic controller

                           Image result for airport traffic controller

  1. Automatic toll payment system
TouchnGO, Smart Tag

Image result for touch and go

iv. Online reservation system (flight, hotel, tour)

  • Airline ticketing system

  • Hotel reservation system

  • Tour reservation system

Image result for trivago


-Refers to the use of IT in controlling production process to shorten production time, reduce cost and increase factory competitiveness.

Computers are now widely used in product design and in automation of selected areas in factories. Within the next decade, the use of computers in the entire spectrum of manufacturing applications, from computer-aided design to computer-aided manufacturing and robotics, is expected to be practical and economically justified. Such widespread use of computers on the factory floor awaits further advances in computer capabilities, the emergence of systems that are adaptive to the workplace, and the development of interfaces to link islands of automation and to allow effective user communications.

Computers are used in manufacturing in many, many ways. Most commonly computers are used to generate labels for products, control and/or monitor larger machines (presses, robotics, etc.), and for general reporting. Computers are also used in manufacturing for the shipping process, i.e. Bills of Lading printing, sending electronic communications to vendors and customers and others.

  • Example of IT applications in manufacturing

  1. Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
creates, modifies, analyses and optimizes a design. 3D modelling software constructs a prototype to be analyzed before the actual production.

                            Image result for cad

ii. Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)

controls machines and robot in high-tech assembly lines. This improve speed, accuracy, consistency, efficiency and sophistication compared to manual machine

                              Image result for computer aided manufacturimh

iii. Barcode-based tracking systems
  • Designed to identify raw materials, tracking work in process, managing inventory, directing shipments, and providing lifetime identification for service and warranty management
Image result for barcode based tracking system,

Awesome right.? see you later. Till we meet again. n_nv peace. Do drop any comments or question in the coloum below. You can refer to this Link.